
‘It’s ultimately the purpose of education to cultivate the love of learning for its own sake’

Michael Sandel

At Winscombe, we believe every child deserves a challenging, broad and balanced curriculum that is underpinned by teaching of the basic knowledge, skills, concepts and values that they will need to become proficient both academically and socially. In turn this will promote the development of respectful, responsible and resilient pupils.

The curriculum is progressively sequenced to allow children to build upon prior knowledge as they progress from EYFS to Year 6, and develop an overarching narrative of the subjects we teach.

We endeavour to provide rich and first-hand learning opportunities that evolve from our strong curriculum drivers which promote: Cultural Diversity, Curiosity, Community, and Character. These opportunities intend to take children beyond their everyday experiences and inspire them to excel. For example: sometimes in the “Eyes of an Expert” or looking at wider environmental issues, enterprise or charitable empathy. In turn, children will develop a strong work ethic, effective interpersonal skills; creating independent, creative and critical thinkers and learners.

Our ‘Winscombe Top Twenty’ – opportunities to enrich and inspire our learners – enhance this further. These, coupled with our overarching core values of Care, Respect, Aspiration and the ability to Excel, underpinned by physical development, emotional well-being and mental health, are key elements that support the development of the whole child and promote a positive attitude to learning and life; happy children.

Whilst also utilising the skills, knowledge and cultural wealth of our supportive community, we nurture our pupils’ spiritual, moral, social and cultural development, notably through our developing assemblies programme, visitors and school visits.

Children leave the school with a sense of belonging to a tight-knit community where they have had the confidence and skills to make decisions, reflect upon their choices and make connections. Our children will be well-equipped as 21st Century Learners and prepared to continue their learning journey within a dynamic, diverse and ever-changing world.

We understand the importance of providing an inclusive learning environment for all pupils including those with SEND. Additional information on this can be found on our SEND page.

More information on the national curriculum can be found on the government website

Curriculum By Subject