
Welcome to Red Class!

Where we ‘ Care – Thrive – Learn ‘ together.

Class Teachers

Monday and Tuesday – Mrs Crawshaw

Wednesday, Thursday and Friday – Mrs Travetti

LSA (Learning Support Assistant)

All week – Miss Hardwick

Other Adults in Red Class

  • Mr Bayliss is our Sports Coach who will be teaching us different sports on a Wednesday afternoon.
  • Mrs Worthy is our fabulous music teacher who will also be singing with Red class on a Wednesday afternoon.

What does learning look like in Red class?

Your child’s development and happiness is at the heart of everything we do, and we feel that children learn best whilst having fun! We like to use concrete, meaningful and practical learning opportunities that support the children to become independent problem solvers and have a conscientious attitude to their learning.

Our Adventures in Red Class

Parents and carers, we know this is a very big time for you too. We are all mummies in Red Class so understand all of your worries and concerns. We promise to make the start of your child’s educational journey the best we possibly can. Please come and talk to us if you have any worries or questions. We are really excited to be learning alongside your children this year!

Mrs Crawshaw, Mrs Travetti & Miss Hardwick

Red Class Topic Webs

Term 1 and 2 Topic Webs – Marvellous Me!