Welcome to the Year 6 Zone!
It is “Full Steam Ahead” for Year 6 this term. We are truly looking forward to the fantastic learning and experiences we will be having this, our final year at Winscombe!
Ms Muxworthy, Ms Willows and Mrs Hunt are the Year 6 team this academic year.
Autumn Term
In the Autumn term we will be studying Queen Victoria as a monarch and what it would have been liked to be a child in Victorian Britain. Our topic is aptly named ” Full Steam Ahead” which relates to the introduction of the railways and links well with our Local Strawberry Line’s history. Look below in our topic web to find further fabulous learning activities.
Topic Web
Homework routine
Feedback and return days:
Weekly spelling investigation/activity – Wednesday
Home reading – daily reading – parent to sign – collected in on Wednesdays
English – Comprehension activities – Tuesday
Maths based homework e.g. Number bonds, Times tables practice and consolidation – Thursday
Learning conversations – Longer project work
Spring Term
Our topic for this term is “Altered Images!”. We are learning about how women’s roles have changed throughout history and completing a local study in geography using OS maps. We are using these lines of enquiry: How have women’s roles changed through history? Can we use geographic images to explore the Local area?
We are also looking forward to our three day stay at Hooke Court in Dorset where we will participate in a variety of outdoor adventurous activities with our class mates.
Topic Web
Hooke Court
Our residential visit to Hooke Court – Field Centre – Dorset.
Art and Design
“Take a seat!”
Look at our seats we created to express our personality. This was inspired from the designer “Yinka Ilori”
Summer Term
This will be our final term at Winscombe Primary School. It will be sad to leave but we are looking forward to our next stage in education. Winscombe has really set us up and prepared us well for our next adventures. We are looking forward to this term; it is our last, so we hope to leave with amazing memories.
This term our topic is “Out of Africa!” We will be learning about Africa as a continent and its physical and human geography of its regions as well as finding out about the history of The Benin Kingdom. Most of the topic will be studied through art especially in our “Creative Arts Week”. We are also looking forward to SATs week where we can show off our amazing progress in our core subjects as well as learning our parts for our Year 5 and Year 6 production in July! See further details below in our topic web.