Sycamore (Year 6)

Welcome to the Year 6 Zone!

It is “Full Steam Ahead” for Year 6 this term. We are truly looking forward to the fantastic learning and experiences we will be having this, our final year at Winscombe!

Mrs Baker, Mrs Sommers-Burrows, Miss Willows and Mrs Hunt are the Year 6 team this academic year.


Autumn Term

In the Autumn term we will be studying Queen Victoria as a monarch and what it would have been liked to be a child in Victorian Britain. Our topic is aptly named ” Full Steam Ahead” which relates to the introduction of the railways and links well with our Local Strawberry Line’s history. Look below in our topic web to find further fabulous learning activities.


Homework routine

Feedback and return days:

Home reading – daily reading  – parent to sign – collected in on Wednesdays

English – Comprehension activities – Tuesday

Maths based homework e.g. Number bonds, Times tables practice and consolidation – Thursday

Learning conversations – Longer project work